The GSM rescuer
Автор: plamena_2005,  27 октомври 2005 г. в 00:00 ч.
прочити: 535
On a lovely August day my Dad gave me a GSM as a present. I was really happy. I knew that wherever I was I coild call hone or my friends. Since that day the GSM has constantly been by my side.
The New Year was upon us. There was fluffy snow. I decided to take my good friend, my dog Rex, whith me and go to the forest for walk... Loking at the sky hidden behing the pine-trees, I hadn't noticet when Rex had disappeared.
I started calling: REX,REX-where are you? Cone here!
I ran into tje forest, calling. There was no trace of the dog. Maybe I had been wandering for more than half at hour. Suddenly I saw a falen tree. There was some figure near it, anb maybe not just one. I could crearly see the different silhouettes. It was Rex and someone lying down - a man. What had happened to him? The man was hardly breathing.
What could I do -a waek and helpless child, alone in that forest? Oh, yes! I had my GSM with me! I called the hospital. In ten minutes arescue team a doctprs with a stretcher came to us. They asked me my name and how I had maganet to call them. I proudly showed them my mobile phone. My Gsm and my friends had saved a man's life.
I was happiest child that day. Mum and Dad promised ne skis for New Year, because with a GSM and skis I would be the bravest forest rescuer in the future.

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