The adventures of prince Negrie
Автор: tedddy,  18 януари 2013 г. в 22:06 ч.
прочити: 430

                                      In a distant castle in one early morn’

the little prince Negrie was born.

In the neighboring castle in a bed of gold

a princess was born – Ateh she was called.

They grew up together nights and days

and passed their time in games.

And so, one day of their happy life

he said that wanted her for a wife.

“Oh – she replied – that is so nice.

Yes, I want to marry you at any price!”

So they got married but very soon

(in one bright and sunny afternoon)

came an unknown prince and of course

was handsome and riding a horse.

“Princess, you’re without any doubts

the most beautiful star among the clouds.

I want to marry you my lovely sun

and in your life to be forever ‘the one’. ”

“But my heart belongs to another man.”

He became angry – “Really? So then

I will send you a horrible curse

which no one could ever reverse.”

She understood that this wasn’t fun

but after all decided to tell no one.

Three long years passed from then

but the stranger hadn’t turned back again.

It really seemed he would appear no more

but then an old woman knocked on the door.

She was weak and with no color on her cheeks

“Princess, I haven’t eaten for weeks.

Please forgive me, I don’t want to complain

but I feel really very, very faint.

Hope you don’t find me rude

but could you give me some food.”

The princess had pity on her and

having no idea what the hag had planned

(Ateh had forgotten about the stranger and the malice)

let the old woman enter into the palace.

She was sent exactly by the evil prince

with the words: ”You have to convince

the princess in your bad condition

and as a great magician

(after you earn her faith)

you have a poisonous potion to create

and give a princess Ateh a try

after that in agony she will die.

And after the princess has died

go to the forest and hide.”

It really happened like that

and Ateh found herself in death-bed.

So Negrie started asking anyone who met

how he could obviate the threat

of losing his beloved wife.

He had to bring Ateh to life.

And everybody said: “Very far from here

there is an old men with white beard

who lives on his very own

in a small house made of stone.

But you have to return in a year,

cause otherwise it will disappear

every chance for you to see her alive

when in the castle you’ll arrive.”

And so on the very next day
he set off on his way.

He walked a month or maybe two and

finally reached a sinister woodland.

And suddenly he saw there

a beautiful girl with curly hair

she was sitting under an old tree

and tears in her eyes he could see.

“Beauty, what are you doing here alone?

You better be in safe at home.”

“Oh, I have lost my track

and now I can not turn back.

Maybe my mom is scared to death.”

she said without stopping for breath.

From her lips escaped a groan:

“Please, help me returned to home.”

She fell on the neck of the young man.

“OK – he said – I’ll do everything I can.”

They walked for several hours

and almost lost their powers.

Soon they resigned all of their hope but

suddenly in front of them appeared a tiny hut.

An old woman came out from inside,

it was obvious that she had cried.

On her face Negrie could see desperation and pain.

“Child, I thought I wouldn’t see you again.

I thought that maybe you’re dead?”

through tears the old woman said.

Oh, mother, I’d lost myself in the forest but then

from somewhere came this good man

and saved me” – the young girl told.

“But now let’s come in, it’s very cold.

Maybe you are tired and need a rest

come, come inside, be our guest!”

They’d given him a soup and a piece of bread

and after that they prepared for him a bed.

And with new energy on the next day

he was in hurry to continue on his way.

But suddenly under a big tree of pear

he saw a frightful grizzly bear.

And what to do now

he had to slip out, but how?

The prince was out on the limb -

the bear was staring badly at him.

But the girl had given him a piece of meat

in case he couldn’t find what to eat.

So Negrie took it out of the bag and

threw it in the bear’s hand.

The bear grabbed greedily the meal

and Negrie took to his heels.

After few days he reached a big mountain

and there next to a small fountain

he saw a man with bleeding hand

“What has happened, my friend?”

“While I was feeding a little sparrow

somebody hit me with an arrow.”

Negrie had helped him, too, and then

continued in searching for the old man.

At last one day after months of walking

he heard someone behind him talking:

“Hallo, Negrie, you’ve come at the end

come on, come closer, my little friend.”

Negrie looked in his big black eyes

“You know my name?” asked with surprise

“Yes, and I even know why you are here

but from the time you left the castle past almost an year.”

„So there isn’t chance at all!

I can’t save Ateh” – he told.”

I’ve come here totally in vain”

“Oh no, Negrie, don’t be in pain.

I’ll help you to turn back on time.

Now, take quickly this magical juice of lime.

It also contains a secret component.

And hurry up - in the same moment

when you enter the castle’s door

this potion in Ateh’s mouth you have to pour.”

“Thank you very much” – the prince made a bow.

The old man raised his hand: “Return to the castle now!”

In the next moment Negrie had landed in Ateh’s room

and the magical juice made her consume.

With great effort the princess opened her eyes

they were still as blue as the skies.

At last she took a deep breath -

Ateh escaped from the hands of Death.

And they lived happily ever after

and in their life there was only joy and laughter.



The end.

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